The cockroach is a large insect with long antennae and 2 pairs of wings. The most common cockroach in the Berkshire area are the German (15mm long) and the Oriental (up to 25mm in length). They breed rapidly, eat almost anything and will tolerate many different habitats. The average adult may live for up to six months.
Some handy tips about cockroaches and cockroach pest control.
Cockroaches are an extremely distasteful variety of pest. The are often found in the home and are problematic to businesses. Especially in the catering sector because they carry diseases such as salmonella, typhoid and dysentery. Infestations have also been linked to skin disorders such as eczema and asthma. The most vulnerable to infection are children and the elderly. They like places that contain food, warmth and water. They will find most places in Berkshire suitable. Although infestations may begin in areas that have poor levels of hygiene. They will travel to find other suitable premises that possess ideal situations for them to feed and breed.
Cockroach Pest Control
As a family run business we pride ourselves on our level of customer service, providing fast and efficient solutions in difficult conditions. Our team are approachable and discreet and our prices are extremely competitive.
Treatment Types for Cockroaches
- Heat Treatment »
- Freeze Treatment »
- Chemical Treatment
We offer a specialist cockroach pest control with a 2 hour response time, call JG Pest Control now, on 01628 882 122
- Cockroaches are one of nature’s tough survivor species
- They adapt extremely quickly
- many ‘do it yourself’ products will fail because they are not up to date
- These insects are also good at finding refuge to escape such measures.
How do I know if I need Cockroach Pest Control?
The basic rule of thumb is if you see one of these insects, it is safe to assume you have many. They can progress from egg to sexual maturity in ten weeks and each egg case can usually contain an average of 30-40 eggs. Sometimes you may see eggs hanging off their backs as they move.
Cockroaches are usually nocturnal but where there is a heavy infestation you will often see them in the daytime. Their droppings will often be found wherever there is suitable food and will look similar to black pepper granules. A strong sour smell is often noticeable where there is a particularly heavy infestation. If you have a cockroach problem it is very important you seek professional help to stop the spread of infestation. With the right eradication program you can rid your home or business premises of the infestation quickly and safely.
Rid Cockroaches From Your Property,
01628 882 122
How do I get rid of an Infestation?
JG Pest Control are specialists in cockroach pest control services and our service is guaranteed. These insects are particularly difficult to exterminate so it is important that professionals are used immediately.
We have the most up to date procedures to treat the problem including sprays and fogging and the very latest food substitute gels. Our technicians are friendly and knowledgeable and are Cockroach Control RSPH Qualified so you can be sure the service you are getting is the best on the market.
Giving customers value for money is at the heart of everything we do. Your satisfaction is very important to us. For this reason we also provide a guarantee with the service.